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Sizwe Medical Fund under provincial curatorship

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BCIMA Medical Aid

Established in 1964, BCIMA has more than 53 years’
experience of providing members of the Building,
Construction and Civil Engineering industries with medical
cover. BCIMA has developed an in-depth understanding of
these sectors and their healthcare needs over the years. The
fund is therefore able to provide its members with benefits
that are appropriate and offer excellent value.

Our impressive member benefits and benefit features include:
• Only a main member contributes – registered dependants are covered for free
• Members can register their spouse and children as dependants
• Contributions are based on income (hourly rates for site employees), ensuring affordability
• Generous benefit limits
• No healthcare provider (doctors, dentists etc.) network restrictions. Contractors are covered for their contract period
• Members have access to:
• Private hospitals (subject to authorisation)
• Health services at private healthcare providers (subject to benefit limits*)
• Unlimited HIV benefit* (subject to registration with LifeSense)
The Council for Medical Schemes has granted the BCIMA exemption from prescribed minimum benefits (PMBs). The Fund, however, pays
for PMBs at BCIMA tariffs and subject to limits.

Long-standing relationship
BCIMA truly is a medical scheme that has been developed by the industry for the industry. The Fund’s long-standing relationships with the
building, construction and civil engineering industries has allowed it to develop an in-depth understanding of the needs of employers and their
employees within this specific market. This deep-rooted legacy has allowed the BCIMA team to design the most appropriate and suitable
contributions and benefits for these sectors, as we truly understand the needs of our members and the employees within the industry.

BCIMA is managed by a Board of Trustees who are all working in the building, construction and civil engineering industries. The BCIMA Board
of Trustees consists of eight trustees, four of whom are elected by members and further four of whom are appointed by employer groups.
BCIMA is considered a low-cost fund and as such enjoys certain exemptions in terms of the provisions of the Prescribed Minimum
Benefits (PMB) and Section (1)(n) of the Act, which have proved to be highly beneficial to its members.
Medical Aid built for the Industry, by the Industry.

BCIMA offers affordable, flexible and easy to use benefits and features to anyone
who works in the Building, Construction and Civil Engineering Industries.