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Sizwe Medical Fund under provincial curatorship

Quote of the day

Universal Employee Wellness Programme

Realising the potential of your employees.

A number of factors can prevent your employees from realising
their full potential including personal and family relationship problems, conflict with co-workers, difficulties with
managers, depression, anxiety, substance abuse and other psychological stressors such as, financial and legal
problems, child and elder care challenges.
Such employee personal and workplace issues can negatively impact productivity and ultimately the bottom-line of your business.
Many in business now recognise the importance of addressing these kinds of issues in the workplace and see the enormous value that is gained from
investing in an effective Employee Wellness Programme (EWP.)

The Universal EWP: Tailored workplace wellness solutions

The Universal EWP has been developed especially to assist the employer to achieve a healthy and productive workforce, as we understand that this is
critical to the achievement of any organisation’s goals.
The Universal EWP partners with client organisations in order to tailor make solutions in order to address any personal or work concerns that may be
affecting the wellbeing of employees, and impacting their work performance.

Promoting health and wellness in the workplace

The Universal EWP promotes health and wellness among employees, by improving awareness of health
and wellness issues, as well as, through the provision of confidential, professional consultation and
referral services to address any personal or work related concerns.
Services offered through the Universal EWP include telephonic and face-to-face counselling,
managerial consulting, onsite critical incident stress debriefing, legal advice and financial
consultation, family care information and referral to other support resources where this may be
Clients benefit from their access to Universal’s nationally represented network of psychosocial
providers. Universal works closely with this large network of providers to ensure the efficiency of
these services and an enhanced client experience.
These Universal services are supported by a sophisticated data capturing and case management system,
utilisation reporting and the capacity to integrate EWP reporting with reporting for other Universal wellnessrelated